Colon Cancer Screening Made Easy!
No one looks forward to a colonoscopy. But did you know colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men and women combined? This year, 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer. The good news is 60% of colorectal cancer deaths could be prevented with screening.*
Northwest Gastroenterology is making it easy to get screened. The EasyScreen program allows healthy, age-appropriate patients to easily schedule a colonoscopy usually without having to visit the gastroenterologist's office first.
Criteria for EasyScreen:
- Age 50 or older
- Age 45 or older if African American
- Age 40 or older with family history of colon cancer from a first-degree relative (mother, father, sister or brother) or 60 years or younger with a confirmed cancer diagnosis.
If you're ready to be proactive against colon cancer, contact us. We'll ask you a few questions to determine if you're eligible for EasyScreen and get you scheduled for your procedure. If you're not eligible, we'll arrange for you to see the gastroenterologist first.
Call 520-323-7895 for more information or click here to request our office contact you to determine if you qualify for EasyScreen scheduling.
Save Money.
Northwest Healthcare, in conjunction with MDSave, is helping you save money on out-of-pocket healthcare costs when you pay in advance for your visit or procedure. All procedure-related fees are packaged into one price. This is especially helpful for patients with high deductibles or those without insurance. Learn more at or call your gastroenterologist's office for details.
* Source: