Electrophysiology Study
An electrophysiology study or EPS is a recording of your heart's electrical activity. It allows a physician to check the heart's electrical system for rhythm problems and determine the best treatment for you. An EPS can help determine your rhythm problem and identify methods to control it.
The test is used to:
- Determine the cause of an abnormal heart rhythm
- Locate the site of origin of an abnormal heart rhythm
- Decide the best treatment for an abnormal heart rhythm
Preparing for the test:
In most cases, you will be asked to come to the hospital in the morning, and depending on the results, you may be able to leave later that afternoon.
When you come to the hospital, wear comfortable clothes, and leave jewelry and valuables at home. Bring a change of clothes and toiletries in case you need to stay in the hospital.
Prior to the procedure, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the evening before your test. You may take your medications with a small sip of water. Your doctor will inform you which of your medications you should take prior to the procedure, as well as the medications to avoid before your catheterization.
Your doctor will tell you if you can go home or if you must stay in the hospital. If you are able to go home, please arrange for someone to drive you home.
Please inform your doctor if you have had a previous allergic reaction to X-ray contrast dye or shellfish so that medications can be prescribed for you to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
What to expect during the test:
A nurse will start an IV line into your arm or hand to administer medications and fluids during the procedure. You will be given a medication through your IV to relax you and make you drowsy, but it will not put you to sleep.
Most electrophysiology studies are performed through a large vein in the groin, although they can be executed from the wrist, arm, neck or chest. The nurse or technician will cleanse and shave the insertion site and cover you with sterile drapes from your neck to your feet. A strap will be placed across your waist and arms to prevent your hands from coming in contact with the sterile field.
The doctor will numb the area and insert a small hollow tube or sheath into the vein. The physician can then thread special electrode catheters (long, thin plastic tubes) to the heart. Electrical signals are sent through these catheters while the heart's rhythm is monitored.
Medications may be given through an IV line to test how they affect the heart's rhythm. You may feel your heartbeat changing or your heart racing from time to time during the procedure.
The procedure usually takes from one to four hours depending on what heart rhythms the physician observes. After the physician has completed the procedure, the sheaths are removed and a nurse or cath lab technician will hold pressure on the site to allow the small hole in the vein to close. A special dressing, pressure device or sandbag may be placed on the site at this time.
What to expect after the test:
The doctor will remove the catheters from your groin and apply pressure to the site, to prevent bleeding. You will be on bed rest for about one to two hours and asked to lie flat and still for several hours to allow the hole in the vein to seal.
Most patients will go home several hours after the procedure, but because you have been given medication to relax you, please plan to have someone drive you home.
After your procedure, it is normal for the puncture site to be a bit tender and bruised, and a small knot may even develop. If you notice redness, drainage, severe pain or swelling, talk to your doctor to see if further evaluation is indicated.